Why Your Heating System Is Barely Blowing Air

As the temperatures drop and you rely on your heating system to keep your home warm and comfortable, the last thing you want is for it to malfunction and not work as intended. Read on as AC troubleshooting system expert Air Products & Services explores some of the common reasons why a furnace or heat pump is barely blowing air and how you can solve this problem with the assistance of a qualified HVAC professional.

Airflow and Your Heating System

Airflow is the lifeblood of your heating system, allowing it to operate smoothly and efficiently. Your heating system pulls in air from your home, warms it up, and then sends it back out to maintain a comfortable temperature. Anything that impedes this cycle, such as blockage or leakage, could lead to inefficiencies or, worse, complete breakdown.

Signs Your Heating System May Have Reduced Airflow

As a homeowner, you need to understand when your heating system is not performing at its best. Rooms that remain chilly despite the heating being on are a sure indicator. You may also notice that your energy bills are suddenly higher for no reason, which could signal that your system is working overtime to compensate for the shortfall in airflow.

Common Causes of Low Airflow

Low airflow from your heating or cooling system is a common problem that can affect your comfort and the efficiency of your HVAC system. Understanding the common causes of low airflow is essential for addressing the issue effectively. Here are some factors contributing to this problem:

How a Professional HVAC Contractor Can Help You

When your heating system is barely blowing air, it’s a clear sign that something is amiss. However, attempting to fix the heating system issues on your own is not recommended due to the complexity of these systems and the potential safety risks. 

For the best results, you should hire a professional HVAC contractor. They have the training and experience to work with heating systems safely. To start, they will conduct a detailed assessment of your heating system to identify the root cause of the airflow issue. This includes inspecting the furnace, blower motor, thermostat, ductwork, and other components. 

After pinpointing the problem, your contractor will provide a clear and accurate diagnosis, explaining the issue and its potential implications. They will also implement the necessary repairs or even recommend a heating and air conditioning replacement to address the problem effectively, whether it involves fixing the blower motor, replacing a malfunctioning thermostat, cleaning coils, or sealing duct leaks. In addition to solving the immediate issue, your HVAC contractor may also recommend ongoing maintenance to prevent future problems, ensuring the longevity and efficiency of your heating system.

By having an HVAC professional address the airflow problem, you can expect your heating system to operate at its optimal efficiency, resulting in reduced energy consumption and lower utility bills.

For Reliable HVAC Solutions, Turn to Air Products & Services!

If you’re experiencing HVAC issues in Van Nuys and Tarzana, CA, look no further than Air Products & Services! Let us handle your heating woes with expert, prompt, and efficient service. Our team of experienced heating and AC repair technicians is here to ensure your home gets back to being the cozy haven it should be. Call us today at (818) 989-2030, or fill out our contact form to schedule an appointment.