4 HVAC Maintenance Mistakes to Avoid This Fall

Understanding the right way to take care of your HVAC has several benefits. Maintaining your system will prevent it from breaking down, prolonging its lifespan and helping you save on energy costs. In this post, we discuss four HVAC maintenance mistakes you should avoid this fall.

1. Neglecting Regular HVAC System Check-ups

It can be easy to forget about your system while it purrs away, but it needs periodic maintenance. Regular inspections can catch minor issues before they become big, expensive problems. 

2. Ignoring Strange Noises From the HVAC System

Strange noises from your HVAC system should not be ignored. Those rattles, hisses or clunks could be telling you something is not right. Maybe it’s a worn belt or a loose screw. Either way, it’s best to get it checked out. Remember, Air Products & Services has the expertise you need for residential AC services.

3. Not Cleaning or Replacing the HVAC Filters Regularly

Another common mistake is overlooking the cleanliness of HVAC filters. A dirty filter can decrease your system’s efficiency, increase energy bills and strain the system until it breaks down. Make it a habit to clean or replace your filters regularly. 

4. Not Scheduling Professional HVAC Maintenance

Don’t overlook the importance of scheduling HVAC maintenance and having it done by a qualified professional. An inspection by a technician covers all aspects of your HVAC system. It involves checking the overall system and performing smaller tasks, like lubricating moving parts. 

Keep your HVAC system in tip-top shape, and it will reward you with efficient operation and comfy indoor temperatures. With a well-maintained system, you can enjoy optimal comfort, safety and savings all year round.

If you need any help with your HVAC — whether it’s air conditioning installation or commercial AC maintenance — don’t hesitate to reach out to Air Products & Services. Call us at (818) 989-2030 or visit our contact page to schedule a consultation. We serve clients in Van Nuys and Tarzana, CA.