What You Should Know About Electrostatic Filters

Different kinds of air filters can be used during an air conditioning replacement project. But before deciding on a specific type of filter, it’s important to learn more about your options. Your HVAC filters have an important function that affects the health of the occupants and the home’s indoor air quality (IAQ). 

These filters are responsible for filtering dust, pollen, pet dander, and other small particles and contaminants that are found in the air — which you and your family can breathe. When your heating and cooling system takes and blows out air, these particles are trapped in the filter to prevent them from being recirculated throughout your home.

The quality of the air filter is measured in Minimum Efficiency Reporting Values (MERV) and is used to indicate a filter’s ability to capture larger particles between 0.3 and 10 microns — meaning the higher the MERV rating of an air filter is, the better it is in filtering air. 

You can choose from numerous kinds of air filters on the market, and electrostatic air filters are one of them.

To learn more about electrostatic filters, AC troubleshooting system expert Air Products & Services shares more information about this filter type in this post.

Electrostatic Air Filters

Other types of air filters share one common thing — they are made with fibers, attract particles, and clump them together on the surfaces of the air filters as air passes through them. However, this can cause clogging that will eventually make it harder for your HVAC system to blow and pull in air. The particles also become a health hazard as they accumulate since they can get blown in along with the air and produce foul odors.

Electrostatic air filters perform the same filtering functions as the other filter types but don’t get clogged. This is because they use static electricity to attract animal dander, mold spores, pollen, and other particles and contaminants. And unlike other air filters, they can last for a long time, especially with proper cleaning and maintenance.

For most homes, electrostatic air filters are superior to the more common filters, and their MERV rating depends on the manufacturer and the quality of the air filter. However, when it comes to more thorough filtration, HEPA filters outperform electrostatic air filters. 

Keep in mind that as MERV ratings go up, so does the strain on your HVAC system. Furthermore, the finer the filters get, the harder it is for air to pass through.

That said, electrostatic air filters are an ideal choice when it comes to cost-effectiveness and longevity. But they can be outperformed by HEPA filters in the filtration aspect.

The Importance of Air Filters to Your Home’s IAQ

Indoor air quality directly affects the health of all the occupants and is an important factor to consider in any residential or commercial setting. Air filters assist in improving IAQ by filtering all kinds of particles, contaminants, and allergens. If you live with a family member that is susceptible to airborne allergies (especially during certain seasons) you should opt for a quality air filter during air conditioning replacement so you can significantly improve your home’s IAQ.

In a commercial setting, air filters are crucial especially if you handle food and other live products. In a normal office, air filters help keep the air clean and reduce the spread of viruses and bacteria. They also help prevent certain odors from pervading the rest of the work areas. It’s important to note that businesses that involve food require more frequent and thorough air filtration.

Other Types of Air Filters

There are different types of air filters to choose from for your HVAC system, such as:

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Get the most out of your heating and cooling system by letting the AC troubleshooting system experts at Air Products & Services handle your HVAC needs. We are a reputable HVAC company that provides high-quality heating and cooling services to residential and commercial clients. Our technicians are trained and can handle all types of HVAC systems with great efficiency and care. Schedule an HVAC consultation by calling us at (818) 989-2030 or filling out our contact form. We serve clients in Tarzana, CA, and other nearby areas.