Decorating for Halloween? Remember These HVAC Safety Tips

Many homeowners love decorating their homes with fun and spooky designs for Halloween. But before you go all out creating a Halloween masterpiece out of your home, remember to keep your decorations away from your HVAC system’s components.

In this post, air conditioning replacement expert Air Products & Services shares a few important HVAC safety reminders for when you’re putting up Halloween decorations.

Make sure your vents remain unobstructed. Halloween decorations shouldn’t block your air vents. Keep in mind that your indoor air vents are crucial to proper airflow, as they ensure adequate air supply to your HVAC system. If your vents are blocked by Halloween decorations, your heating and cooling system will likely be affected. It will need to exert more effort and operate longer so in order to produce the desired temperature. An overworked HVAC system is never a good thing, as it makes the system prone to damage. It can also result in higher energy bills.

Refrain from decorating your outdoor unit. Keep your air conditioner’s outdoor unit free of any decorations to avoid restricting airflow. Anything that blocks it can also prevent your HVAC system from getting rid of the heat in your house. That’s why AC repair experts recommend clearing any ornaments off your HVAC unit.

Don’t put flammable items near your HVAC unit. Avoid the risk of fire by not putting any decorations or items near your HVAC unit. Take note of any flammable items that you’ll be using to decorate. Wax candles especially can be a fire hazard, so keep them away from your air vents and indoor furnace unit.

If you need a reliable AC troubleshooting system, Air Products & Services can offer their expertise to ensure that your unit operates as it should. We have several years of experience and training in the HVAC industry, so our technicians can confidently provide you with excellent services. Call us at (818) 989-2030 or fill out our contact form to request a free consultation. We serve customers in Tarzana, CA, and the surrounding areas.