Why You Should Replace Your Air Filter This Fall

As the season changes, so do your need to keep your indoors comfortable. You’ll soon switch from your air conditioning to your furnace, but before you do so, make sure you change the filters first. The air filters should be cleaned and replaced every few months because of the dust, dirt, and other debris it catches to keep them from entering your ductwork.

To understand why you should replace them when fall sets in, our residential and commercial ac maintenance specialists at Air Products & Services explain what you need to know:

Keeping Your Indoor Air Quality Clean 

If you or a family member has asthma or allergies, you must keep your indoor air quality clean and safe to breathe. Having a proper air filter installed reduces any likelihood of pollutants and allergens from entering your home, but keep in mind that they should be changed every three to four months. But depending on your lifestyle, you might need to change them more frequently.

The Consequences of Ignoring Your Filters

Even if you have a system that’s maintained regularly by a residential AC and heating expert, you still need your filters replaced regularly to keep the air clean. Otherwise, your home’s indoor air quality will deteriorate. This is because of the dust and dirt that has built up over time, causing the filters to lose their effectiveness in keeping out the pollutants and allergens. If left unchecked, you and your family will face several health issues later on.

How Replacing Filters Benefits You

Replacing your filters before the start of fall not only ensures your indoor air quality stays clean. You also prevent your furnace or heat pump from working harder than necessary. This means they’ll be less likely to break down and you’ll save on potential maintenance costs! It also means less energy consumption, which means you won’t have to worry about paying for higher utility bills.

We only offer the best residential and commercial air conditioning installation services in the area. If you’re residing in Tarzana or the neighboring CA areas, call Air Products & Services today at (818) 989-2030 and we’ll address all your HVAC concerns. You can also contact us by submitting an online form!