How to Boost Your Air Conditioner’s Performance

Record temperatures in the summer mean a conventional air conditioning unit might not be able to keep up with rising heat. Fortunately, a few simple upgrades and home improvements can boost your air conditioner’s performance. 

Air Products & Services, your trusted AC repair contractor, lists them below: 

Smart Upgrades to Boost Your Air Conditioner’s Performance and Energy Efficiency 

How Often Should You Change Your AC Air Filter? 

A clogged air filter can lower your AC’s efficiency, not to mention increase the strain on your cooling system. That’s why it’s important to change the air filter every three months. However, you need to change it more frequently if you have pets (every six to eight weeks) or allergies (every four weeks). As for AC maintenance, an AC troubleshooting system technician should conduct an inspection at least once a year. 

Home Upgrades to Help Keep Things Cool at Home 

Should You Replace Your Aging Air Conditioner? 

Of course, upgrades can only do so much. If your air conditioner is far beyond its estimated service life (which for most modern AC systems is between 15 and 20 years), it may be time to get an air conditioner replacement

In addition to checking your AC’s service life, how can you tell if you need a new air conditioner? By keeping an eye out for warning signs such as: 

What Unusual AC Noises Mean

If you hear any of the aforementioned noises, you should have an AC repair contractor conduct an inspection. 

Which AC Type Is Best Suited to Residential Homes? 

If you need to purchase a new AC unit, you should do your research on which type can meet your needs. To help you decide, here’s an overview of the pros and cons of the different types of air conditioners: 

Other Factors to Consider Before Buying a New AC Unit 

In addition to the AC type, what other things do you need to take into account before buying an AC replacement? 

AC Features to Consider 

When looking for a new AC unit, you should also consider new features that can help improve your quality of living. 

Here are some AC features that can help you get a better night’s sleep: 

One more thing: if you’re having trouble choosing an AC replacement, don’t hesitate to consult an experienced AC technician. 

Air Products & Services has been serving local residents since 1979. We offer a wide range of professional HVAC services, including AC troubleshooting system services. To get a free estimate on a new AC unit, call us at (818) 989-2030 or fill out this form. We serve homeowners in Tarzana as well as surrounding communities in CA.