Which Home Cooling Myths Are Costing You Money This Summer?

When summer arrives, one of the first things you do is turn on your air conditioner. However, a common concern this season is a corresponding rise in energy costs. When you operate and maintain your equipment properly, you can stay comfortable indoors without worrying about a significant increase in your utility bills. Knowing what helps your air conditioner and what doesn’t will help you achieve greater savings. 

Learn which home cooling myths are costing you more money this summer here from a local AC repair expert.

Common Home Cooling Myths

Setting the temperature lower to cool a room faster. It’s a common misconception that the lower you set the temperature on your thermostat, the faster your living spaces will cool down. Keep in mind that the capacity of your air conditioner to cool your home depends on its fan speed. This means that even if you lower the temperature, it will still take the same amount of time to cool the room. Lowering the temperature will just force the unit to generate more cool air, which will end up being wasted. 

Fans aid in cooling your rooms. There’s nothing wrong with turning on a fan if you want to save on utility costs this summer. Still, it may be helpful to know that a fan can’t actually lower the temperature of a room. What it will do is cool your skin by blowing air on it, causing your sweat to evaporate. Air conditioning replacement experts suggest turning off the fan when leaving the room to save energy. 

Shutting down your AC when you leave home will reduce your energy bills. Some homeowners tend to turn off their air conditioner when heading out. When you turn off your HVAC equipment, the temperature inside your house will rise. As a result, your cooling equipment will have to work harder than it needs to to cool it back down, consuming more energy. It’s best to invest in a smart thermostat to raise the temperature about 10 degrees when you leave the house. When you’re on your way home, you can lower the temperature using your smart device. This ensures that your living spaces are cool and comfortable when you arrive home. 

The larger your AC, the cooler your house will be. Today, a lot of people still believe that the larger their air conditioner, the cooler their home will be. Experienced air conditioner replacement technicians strongly disagree with this belief. There are various factors to consider when determining the ideal size of cooling equipment for your home. For instance, if you have a larger house, then you will need a bigger air conditioner. 

When your AC is too large for your space, your energy costs will increase. This is because the equipment is more likely to turn its compressors on and off, which can reduce its lifespan and cause an increase in your utility bills. If you need a new AC for your home, make sure to consult a skilled professional. At Air Products & Services, we’re here to help with all your residential HVAC needs. 

You’ll save money by closing vents in unused rooms. Do you have spare rooms in your house in which you’ve closed the vents in hopes of saving on energy costs? You may want to revisit these spaces and begin re-opening the vents because closing them will harm your AC. Closing the vents will reduce the efficiency of your AC by creating a pressure buildup. This prevents conditioned air from effortlessly circulating through the ductwork. When the vents are closed, it can take more energy to push air out. What you can do is invest in a programmable thermostat to help regulate airflow in your living spaces more effectively.

Tips to Help You Stay Cool This Summer

Schedule routine maintenance. Regular maintenance will help you save on AC repair costs and prolong the life of your equipment. Experts recommend having your unit checked and maintained by a professional at least once a year. Your HVAC technician will inspect your heating and cooling equipment to ensure you’re comfortable all-year-round. 

Clean or replace the air filter regularly. As time passes, dust and debris will collect on the air filter of your cooling system. When you don’t clean or replace it regularly, it can restrict airflow and affect the performance of your equipment. As a result, you may experience discomfort in your living spaces. Dirty air filters are also among the common causes of HVAC breakdowns. Depending on the type of filter you have and how dirty it is, you may need to replace it every one to three months. Regular filter cleaning or replacements can reduce your energy use by up to 15%. 

Get a smart thermostat. Installing a smart thermostat is a great way to save money on your energy bills. This type of thermostat automatically adjusts the temperature, helping you stay comfortable while also saving on utility costs. Some models can learn your heating and cooling preferences and automatically change the settings based on the results. You can control a smart thermostat via your phone even when you’re not at home, and it can remind you when it’s time to schedule maintenance. If you’re looking for a new thermostat for your home, you can count on Air Products & Services. We have both wireless and wired models, programmable thermostats, digital thermostats and more! Our experienced team can also assist with AC system troubleshooting

Take care of leaky windows and doors. Conditioned air can escape through gaps and cracks in your windows and doors, increasing your energy costs. Because of these gaps, your AC will need to work harder to reach the desired temperature, putting a strain on the unit. Inspect your windows and doors for gaps and seal with caulk or weatherstripping if necessary. If these components of your home are old, consider investing in newer, more energy-efficient models. 

For your AC system troubleshooting needs, turn to Air Products & Services. We offer quality HVAC replacement, repair and maintenance services. Give us a call at (818) 989-2030 or fill out our contact form to request a service or estimate.  We work with clients in Tarzana, CA, and nearby communities.