Dealing With Indoor Dust in the Winter

Winter is a time of staying mostly indoors and keeping warm as much as possible. This means keeping the windows closed and the doors shut to prevent cold air from coming in. But now that you’re inside your home more, you might notice that it seems dustier than usual. This could be due to several causes; fortunately, the solutions to this issue are relatively simple, though they may involve a bit of effort. Here’s what our AC repair experts at Air Products & Services have to say:

The Common Causes 

Since you and your family are staying indoors more often, you’re already contributing to the additional dust found in your home during this time. You might think that the dust is coming in from the outdoors, but with the windows and doors closed most of the time during winter, this is no longer the case. In truth, the majority of dust in your home is a product of human bodies in the form of dead skin flakes. 

Of course, you won’t be able to see dead skin falling off your body, but it does happen constantly, and since you’re cooped up indoors most of the time in the winter, it’s not uncommon to see more dust around your house. Your pets can have a hand (or paw) in this too with their dander.

This shouldn’t really be a big problem if your HVAC system is working as well as it should be. But sometimes, the air filter isn’t replaced as often as it should be, and it tends to be forgotten until its’s dirty enough to clog the system. This forces the unit to work harder to pump more air, which isn’t very efficient, while at the same time the indoor air quality isn’t as clean as it used to be. As such, it may be wise to call in a trusted air conditioning replacement and maintenance technician to replace the filter and check out your system.

How You Can Eliminate Your Dust Problems

Deep cleaning – Along with changing your air filter, you should also clean the furnace itself and get rid of all the accumulated dust and grime. You’ll need to clean your floors thoroughly and steam clean your carpets as well.

Install an air scrubber – We provide excellent indoor air quality products such as the Air Scrubber by Aerus®. It uses ActivePure® Technology, which effectively cleans your air, and is directly attached to your HVAC system’s ductwork.

Use a high-MERV filter – The cheapest air filter on the market won’t do a good job of catching all the dust in your home. It will only blow through your system and cause allergies and other health issues. We suggest choosing a high-MERV filter instead to ensure you get the best air quality indoors.

Install an air purifier – We also offer Infinity® Air Purifier installation services. This air purifier has Captures & Kills™ technology to trap up to 95% of particles in the air, then uses an electrical charge to eliminate them. 

With a reliable AC troubleshooting system in Tarzana and surrounding areas in CA, you can be sure that your HVAC system stays in top condition even during the winter. Call Air Products & Services today at (818) 989-2030 or submit an online form.