Expensive HVAC Repairs And How You Can Prevent Them

Proper HVAC maintenance actually helps your system so that it stays in its best condition, especially during the seasons when it’s being used the most. And although you may have had a recent heating and air conditioning replacement, this doesn’t mean you can put off maintenance for an extended period of time. The notion of not checking your system regularly shouldn’t even be considered, as it will only end with your unit failing when you need it most.

While it’s true that all HVAC systems will break down eventually, they won’t last to the end of their expected lifespan if they don’t receive proper maintenance. If yours breaks down unexpectedly, you’ll end up having to pay for damages that could have otherwise been avoided. This is why it’s better to schedule regular tune-ups of your HVAC system so it can run better and more efficiently. 

You won’t have to pay for another expensive heating and air conditioning replacement if you take good care of your system. With the right contractor, your unit can be maintained regularly to ensure it works well no matter the season. You’ll also avoid costly problems, such as:

Refrigerant leaks – Your unit houses refrigerant in its coils that helps keep your home cool and comfortable. When this gets low, the condenser will have to work harder to keep your indoor air at the appropriate temperature. This shouldn’t happen, especially for an extended period of time, or it could result in a full breakdown.

When you hire a technician to check the cause of this problem, it can take time to locate and fix the leak. This can easily cost you hundreds or even thousands of dollars, along with an additional charge to repair the leak and refill the refrigerant. There are also some cases where refrigerant leaks put more pressure on the condenser and coils. 

Make sure you have the coils checked for damage during inspections. You’ll be able spot this early on with a regular maintenance check, which means you’ll be able to address the issue while it’s still relatively affordable.

Broken fan motor – Your system has a fan that blows the hot air exhaust out of your HVAC unit. This unit can also become damaged if too much debris gets into it. If it’s an outdoor unit, there’s nothing to worry about as long as you’re able to clean it regularly. Otherwise, call a trusted heating and AC repair technician to do it for you.

One thing that indicates a possible breakdown is the fan motor making a loud whirring sound. Don’t wait until you hear this noise coming from your unit, however; with regular maintenance performed by a trusted HVAC technician, you’ll be able to spot and address the issue promptly.

Compressor and coil breakdowns – The compressor in your HVAC unit is an essential component that’s responsible for compressing the vaporized refrigerant back into a fluid and pushing it into the coils. Both components are important to your unit, so even if only the compressor breaks down, you’ll be forced to replace it, which can cost almost $2,000, depending on the make and model. Replacing both at the same time will cost you even more, so if you want to avoid this, call in a trusted heating and AC repair technician to address the issue.  

Condenser breakdown – The outdoor unit of your system is a condenser that expels heat outdoors through condensation. This is also susceptible to performance issues, which can be caused by a number of factors, such as refrigerant leaks, damage by debris and electrical issues. It’s not exactly easy fixing this issue, even for experienced technicians, as they’ll probably need time to diagnose and fix the exact problem properly. This will also drive up the repair costs.

How Can Expensive Repairs be Prevented?

You must have regular inspections and tune-ups performed to avoid unwanted breakdowns caused by debris, dirty coils, low refrigerant, loose wiring or low lubricant levels. But with proper cleaning and regular maintenance by a trusted contractor, you won’t have to face such costly problems.

Neglecting maintenance is sometimes unavoidable, but it should happen rarely. Otherwise, you’ll be forced to pay more than you should for repairs or a replacement. When you hire our services, here’s what we’ll do:

Conduct a thorough inspection – This means inspecting your system’s gas/oil connections, heat exchanger, gas pressure and burner combustion. If the connections aren’t in working order, or if your unit has a cracked heat exchanger, these problems should be addressed by a professional technician. You’ll also need to have the surrounding parts of your system checked, including the ductwork, safety controls and even the blower motor. Make sure they get cleaned as well, along with the ignition system, blower assembly and evaporator coil. If you ignore them, the problems could lead to potential fire hazards as well as health risks.

Provide a preventive maintenance program – We’ll make sure your system gets inspected, cleaned and tuned up, not just for winter, but also regularly throughout the other seasons. This means a lower likelihood of your unit suffering a breakdown, so you won’t have to worry about your system while it’s in use. This  will result in better energy efficiency, so you’ll have lower electric bills to pay.

Part of our AC troubleshooting service includes checking and replacing the air filters in your heating and air conditioning equipment. We’ll also check the electrical connections of your system to see if they’re still intact, as well as the condition of the pulleys and belts inside it. If they need to be replaced, then we’ll do it properly.

How We Work During the Pandemic

With the COVID-19 pandemic still present in our country and around the world, we’ve taken steps and precautions to ensure that we work safely on each job to prevent the transmission of the virus. This means wearing face shields and safety glasses, along with protective gloves and masks. We also make the health of our workers’ a priority above all else, and if they don’t feel well, we encourage them to stay home.

Air Products & Services is a reliable AC troubleshooting provider in the area, so you can be sure that your HVAC system is safely maintained and cared for. You can reach us at (818) 989-2030 or submit an online form. We serve Tarzana and surrounding areas in CA , so contact us today!