Why Do Outdoor Heat Pump Units Need Space Around Them?

Most homeowners know that heat pumps help keep homes and other structures comfortably warm on cold winter days. According to residential AC experts, however, not as many people realize that heat pumps are only able to do this if they’re installed properly.

One of the things homeowners need to understand is that outdoor heat pumps, also known as compressor units (or condensers, in the case of standard home air conditioning units), need to have adequate clearance when installed. Why is this? Let’s talk about it.

The Importance of Adequate Clearance

Professional air conditioning installation experts always recommend installing outdoor heat pumps about two feet (24 inches) away from walls and other obstructions, including plants and shrubs, rocks and other such things. Doing this allows the condenser to work efficiently without putting extra stress on the unit.

Failing to provide enough clearance to the compressor unit can cause the following problems:

AC units need to be installed properly in order to work effectively. Homeowners should know that adequate clearance is needed to help keep the unit running smoothly, resulting in greater heating capabilities.

Are you looking for HVAC experts you can rely on? Look no further than Air Products & Services, the trusted local commercial AC maintenance providers. Call us at (818) 989-2030 or fill out our contact form for a free estimate or to schedule an appointment. We serve clients in Tarzana, CA.