Tips to Make Your AC Run More Efficiently

While there are certain aspects of air conditioning care and maintenance that should be left to the professionals, there are also things you can do as a homeowner to make sure your cooling system runs more efficiently, such as:

Clean Your AC Unit

As a rule of thumb, a clean AC unit will always perform better than a dirty one. Ridding your AC unit, particularly your outdoor condenser unit, of dirt and debris will always result in a more efficient performance. Unless you have experience with HVAC systems, leave in-depth AC cleaning to the residential and commercial AC maintenance pros.

Keep Vents Free of Obstructions

Do your best to remove dirt, debris and any other kind of material that might prevent the air in your vent system from flowing freely, as maintaining steady airflow is key to an efficient AC system. Also remember to keep curtains, blinds and other foreign material away from your vents.

Close Your Curtains and Blinds

Curtains and blinds can help lessen the amount of heat that enters through your windows, especially on hot days. Keep them closed to prevent passive heating from forcing your cooling system to work doubly hard to achieve your desired indoor temperature.

Avoid Using Heat-Producing Appliances and Devices

Avoid using heat-producing appliances such as ovens, hair dryers and lamps during the hottest part of the day, as the hot air these appliances and devices produce can effectively counter the cool air your AC releases. If you really need to use them, make sure to do so in a place far away from your AC. Otherwise the warm air they produce might cause your residential AC to work harder, resulting in higher cooling costs.

Seal Exposed Ductwork

Exposed ductwork can cause the air your AC produces to leak into areas where it’s not needed. Seal exposed ductwork using UL 181-rated duct tape. Also, call on a professional to check if your ductwork needs repairs.

Air Products & Services is your leading choice for quality HVAC services. We offer air conditioning installation and maintenance to homeowners like you. Call us today at (818) 330-1771 to learn more about what we can do for you or to request a FREE estimate. We serve clients in Tarzana, CA, and surrounding communities.